Posts from February 2019.

As many following the state of cannabis law in Illinois know, State Rep. Kelly Cassidy and State Sen. Heather Steans have been working on a proposal for the legalization of adult-use recreational cannabis for some time. They introduced a bill in 2018 but decided not to pursue passage until 2019. Their bill remains in the works, as Rep. Cassidy and Sen. Steans continue to negotiate with state lawmakers, governmental bodies, and Governor Pritzker. While there are some indications that an updated version of the Steans/Cassidy bill will be reintroduced as early as April, State Rep. Carol ...

In what might be its best chance of success yet, Congress is set to hold hearings on legislation addressing the problem of banking cannabis related businesses, including the Secure and Fair Enforcement Banking Act of 2017 or the “SAFE Act of 2017.”  The SAFE Act of 2017 (H.R. 2215 and S. 1152) was originally introduced in the house back in 2017, but since then has earned a growing number of supporters from both sides of the aisle and in both the House and the Senate. If signed into law, the SAFE Act of 2017 would be a monumental step forward for the ever-expanding cannabis business in the ...

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