New Employment Posters That Should Have Been Hanging Since August 1!

Without much notice or fuss, the U.S. Department of Labor updated two employment posters late July 2016:

  • The Federal Minimum Wage poster applies to employers subject to the federal minimum wage.

While there was no change to the actual Federal Minimum Wage, some of the additions and revisions included nursing mothers’ rights; consequence for misclassifying an employee as an independent contractor; DOL enforcement; and tip credits.

  • The Employee Polygraph Protection Act Poster applies to most private employers.

Minor changes included updating the DOL contact information and any reference to the penalty amount for violating the Act has been removed.

If you have not posted these at your offices in locations where employees can easily see them, we recommend you do so immediately if you are subject to either of these laws. As always, check with your counsel for any state posters that may have been updated as well.

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