• Posts by Ryan M. Spott

    Ryan has a natural ability to advocate for and help those in need. As a transactional attorney, he advocates for the best results for his clients and helps parties reach their common goals. Ryan understands the key to successful ...

The City of Milwaukee (and various other municipalities) has sent its Biennial Property Tax Exemption Report and Filing Fee Notices. Owners of tax-exempt real property in Wisconsin must file a Form PC-220 Tax Exemption Report (the “Report”) by March 31, 2024, to ensure their property is properly classified and continues to be recognized as tax-exempt. The Report must be filed with the clerk of the town, village, or city in which the property is located biennially of each even numbered year.

Welcome to In the Dirt: Real Estate Legal Update where attorneys from Amundsen Davis blog about all things related to real estate, zoning, real estate management and finance. 



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