PTO Best Practices, Tips, and Tricks

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Illinois Chamber of Commerce; Webinar
 | 10:30 am - 12:00 pm

Employees often need to take unscheduled time off when a family problem or a personal issue arises. This unplanned for absenteeism can cost your company big money.

Jeffrey Risch will be providing tips on creating an effective PTO policy that reduces employee absenteeism, addressing both exempt and non-exempt employees in this comprehensive webinar.

The webinar will discuss your best methods of managing abuse of your policies and avoiding legal problems as well as strategic insight concerning local (Chicago and Cook County) and Illinois new sick leave mandates. Jeff covers the logistics of creating a strong PTO policy, such as:

  • The bottom line on developing, implementing and informing your employees on an economical PTO program
  • The key elements you need to take into account when creating or modifying your PTO policy—and how it can affect your organizational morale
  • The advantages and disadvantages of having a PTO policy that combines vacation time, personal days, holidays, sick time (under new local and state legal mandates), etc.
  • Compliance with federal employment laws including the FMLA, OSHA, ADA and FLSA
  • Carryover from year to year and cash out options in Illinois
  • Notices required when forcing exempt employees to use their PTO for enforced furloughs
  • Partial-day absence deductions from salaries
  • Discussion on the legality of “use it or lose it” policies


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