Developments in Employment Regulations Under President Trump

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Green Bay, WI

While the Affordable Care Act took up much of the media attention during the campaign, on the first day he was in office, President Trump’s Chief of Staff issued a memorandum to the heads of all federal executive departments that effectively put a hold on any pending regulations or enforcement actions that had been instituted by the Obama administration until the new appointees could “more completely consider the legal issues involved”. Since that time, the Trump administration has started the promised rollback of some of the Obama initiatives with regard to employment law, reinstituting some pre-Obama practices and procedures and, in some instances, taking action to create new rules and procedures affecting the Fair Labor Standards Act, National Labor Relations Act, Fair Credit Reporting Act, Occupational Health and Safety Act and other federal regulatory laws.

Bruce B. Deadman will address: 

  • What regulations and procedures have changed so far
  • What the Trump administration has promised to change (including an update on the Affordable Care Act)
  • What other changes are likely to be in the future


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