$7.6 Million Dollar Verdict for a Chicago Executive after an Ex-Girlfriend Shared Explicit Images on Social Media

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We filed a seven-count civil complaint against the ex-girlfriend of a Chicago executive asserting claims of Defamation Per Se, False Light Invasion of Privacy, Public Disclosure of Private Facts, Tortious Interference with Business Expectancy, Vandalism/Damage to Property, and Intentional and Negligent Infliction of Emotional Distress. The ex-girlfriend retaliated after a break up by creating an imposter LinkedIn profile using our client’s name and explicit pictures of him. She used the imposter profile to connect with co-workers and clients. She created social media posts accusing him of rape and asking the public to seek retribution against him. She also damaged his property by spray-painting swastikas on his car. We were retained to seek recourse against her.

We traced the various fake social media accounts back to her and presented screenshots of her text messages and social media posts to prove our case. We obtained a $7.6 million dollar judgment for our client and the online content was removed. The judgment remains one of Illinois’ highest revenge porn / cyber-bullying verdicts. We subsequently worked with law enforcement to help secure a criminal indictment against her. She ultimately pleaded guilty to two felony counts related to this matter.


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