Represented a Woman After Her Ex-Boyfriend Publicly Shared Explicit Images of Her

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We represented a woman after her boyfriend became jealous and sexually aggressive. He stole explicit photos of her and private texts from her phone and posted the images on a website he created. He also created imposter email addresses and Instagram accounts to broadcast this content to 800 people, including our client’s friends and family. He sent those same explicit images of our client to our client’s father.

We filed a nine-count civil complaint against the ex-boyfriend asserting claims of Intrusion Upon Seclusion, Public Disclosure of Private Facts, Violation of Illinois’ Nonconsensual Dissemination of Private Sexual Images Act, Violation of the Illinois Gender Violence Act, Defamation Per Se, False Light Invasion of Privacy, Vandalism/Damage to Property, Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress and Negligent Infliction of Emotional Distress.


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