In an era when everything is political, is any Metro ad noncontroversial? -- Ryan Jacobson Quoted in The Washington Post

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The Washington Post

Ryan Jacobson was recently quoted in The Washington Post's article discussing the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority's decision to ban two of OkCupid's advertisements in a continuous effort to prevent "political or issue-oriented" ads from appearing on their trains, buses, and station walls. OkCupid, an online dating app, launched their "DTF" campaign that incorporated taglines that centered around the acronym "DTF." The two ads that were rejected, featured phrases such as "Down to Fantasize about 2020" and "Down to Filter Out the Far Right."

In the article, Ryan states, "In today's political landscape, it is virtually impossible to walk by an advertisement that doesn't offend you, cause you genuine concern, or inspire a debate in your own head about whether it sends the right message."

Read the full article on The Washington Post's website, "In an era when everything is political, is any Metro ad noncontroversial?"


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