"The delay is causing unexpected expenses..." Grown In Quotes Michael McGrory on Cannabis Dispensary Licenses  

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Grown In, The Cannabis Industry Newsletter

Grown In quoted Michael McGrory in its recent article titled "Cannabis Dispensary Licenses Coming in June? July? State Isn’t Saying," discussing the anxiousness many cannabis dispensary applicants feel as they await guidelines from the State of Illinois on who will win one of the 75 dispensary licenses noted in the passage of the 2019 Illinois Cannabis Regulation and Tax Act. 

The waiting game is particularly hard on small independent businesses. Weighing in on the matter, Michael states "The delay is absolutely causing applicants to incur unexpected expenses." He goes on to say, "many applicants want to be able to hit the ground running once licenses are awarded, and as a result already have payroll that must be met, property expenses that must be paid, debt that must be serviced, et cetera.”

The full article can be found on Grown In's website. 


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