“We need to make sure we’re doing it right...” Heather Bailey Quoted in VendingMarketWatch.com on Getting Back to Work as Economy Reopens

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VendingMarketWatch.com quoted Heather Bailey in its recent article titled, "Listening & Leading: Back To Business; NAMA Announces A Four-Part Mini Series." On May 19, Heather presents "Employment and Labor Law for Returning Workers to the Workplace – Part 1," focusing on alleviating medical risks. On May 21, Heather presents part 2 of "Employment and Labor Law for Returning Workers to the Workplace" and will focus on examining the process of diminishing the threat of workers’ compensation and OSHA claims related to the pandemic.

In the article Heather states, "everyone wants to get back to work.  As employers, we need to make sure we’re doing it right, not only for our employees and customers, but for ourselves as operators to reduce any potential employment risks and liability."

The full article can be found on VendingMarketWach.com here.


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