Carla Benzow

Carla Benzow, Amundsen Davis LLC Photo


Carla’s (She/Her) passion for innovation and creativity matches her contributions on the firm’s Intellectual Property Service Group. With a keen understanding of IP law, Carla assists our attorneys in managing the full lifecycle of intellectual property assets for both individual creators and corporate clients. Her responsibilities include conducting comprehensive patent searches to ensure the uniqueness and protectability of the firm’s clients' innovations, preparing and filing patent applications, and meticulously monitoring existing IP portfolios for compliance with renewal deadlines and potential infringements. Carla's proficiency in navigating the complex web of IP legislation and her attention to detail in drafting legal documents are indispensable in securing and maintaining the intellectual property assets of the firm’s clients.

Beyond the technical aspects of her role, Carla's contribution is also marked by her ability to engage in effective communication with clients, providing them with clear explanations of IP processes and statuses. Carla's enthusiasm for intellectual property law and her commitment to excellence make her a valued asset to our team and a reliable support pillar for our clients navigating the IP landscape.

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