Identifying Key Liability Risks in the Workplace and Among Your Workforce

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Speaking Engagement
BizTimes Media, Webcast

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Click here to access the PowerPoint Presentation.

We collaborated with BizTimes Media to host Washington County 2035, A Futurist Toolkit: Seven Practical Ideas on How We Get to 2035. On Tuesday, June 30th keynote speaker, Futurist David Zach shared his insights on the future of Washington County for the next fifteen years and beyond. Instead of just fascinating and/or frightening forecasts, attendees got a “toolkit,” a set of questions to ask on how to put all those fads and trends in a practical perspective.

Following the keynote, local executives discussed how upheavals like COVID-19, technology trends, and innovation are changing the face of Washington County and what you can do to remain relevant and competitive for the next two decades.


Following the presentations, the program continued with four breakout sessions led by subject matter experts. Breakout sessions included:

  • 4 Costs Your 401(k) Plan Could be Hiding From You
    • Presented by: Tom Parks, Director of Retirement Plan Services, Annex Wealth Management
  • Continuing Education Vision 2035
    • Presented by: Paul Price, Associate Professor of Geography and Geology, UWM-Washington County and Holly Wehrhahn, Continuing Education Director for UWM-College of General Studies at Waukesha and Washington County campuses
  • The Impact of COVID-19 on the Workplace
    • Presented by: Laura L Radke, MD, Medical Director, Froedtert & the Medical College of Wisconsin Occupational Health Services
  • Identifying Key Liability Risks in the Workplace and Among Your Workforce
    • Presented by: Kathy L. Nusslock, Litigation Attorney and Laurie E. Meyer, Employment and Litigation Attorney

For more information, please visit BizTimes’ website.

This program was presented by BizTimes Media and brought to you by sponsors Annex Wealth Management, Froedtert & the Medical College of Wisconsin, UW Milwaukee-Washington County and supporting sponsor West Bend Mutual Insurance Company with special thanks to the Germantown Chamber of Commerce, Hartford Chamber of Commerce and the West Bend Area Chamber of Commerce.


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