Handled Arbitration That Arose From Grievance Filed by Union Alleging Violation of the CBA When Health Insurance Changes Were Made

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Amundsen Davis’s labor team handled an arbitration that arose from a grievance filed by the union alleging that the village violated the parties’ Collective Bargaining Agreement when it made changes to the health insurance benefits provided to bargaining unit employees. The union argued that the village violated the CBA by charging employees more than 17.5% of the premiums for multiple plan options.  The village argued that its changes complied with the CBA – arguing that the CBA gives the village the right to make changes to health insurance, as long as the changes are made to the insurance offered to non-represented employees. The arbitrator denied the union’s grievance, and stated that the village did not violate the CBA when it made changes to the health insurance benefits provided to bargaining unit employees, effective December 1, 2014.  The award also had the impact of expediting collective bargaining for the next set of CBAs at the village.


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