Rebekah A. Jones

Rebekah Jones, Amundsen Davis LLC Photo


Becky (She/Her) instills her decades of litigation experience into every case she aids. Within healthcare facility defense, she assists our Litigation Team with claims of negligence, medical malpractice, and wrongful death. She also periodically assists behavioral/mental health facilities in obtaining individual temporary commitments.

Within insurance defense, Becky works closely with our attorneys to defend businesses and homeowners with negligence claims. She also assists with defending truck transportation businesses involved in motor vehicle accidents.

Becky’s keen attention to detail and aptitude within the healthcare, insurance, and transportation industries provide added efficiency and cost-containment benefits in the success of our cases. Regularly tasked with unearthing vital facts and conflicting details about a plaintiff, expert, or medical professional, she has a knack for digging deep and finding information and experts of help in turning a case toward the favor of our clients. 

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