COVID-19 Testing: What Employers Need to Know

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Amundsen Davis, Webcast

While employers continue to review their COVID-19 protocols under various government vaccine mandates (including OSHA’s ETS) as well as their own policies and practices and customer requirements, testing continues to be a confusing topic for many.  From the types of testing that can be relied on to satisfy such obligations to whether an employer must pay for such testing, there is a tremendous amount of uncertainty for employers trying to navigate their processes and policies related to employee testing.  Additionally, testing capacity and supply is also a growing concern.  Please join Jeff Risch and Sara Zorich on January 10 for a one hour webcast at Noon CT for a practical discussion on what is required of employers in adopting a testing program and how to efficiently and effectively comply with the onslaught of new obligations concerning the same in today’s environment.

COVID-19 Testing: What Employers Need to Know



  • COVID-19 Testing: What Employers Need to Know

    While employers continue to review their COVID-19 protocols under various government vaccine mandates (including OSHA’s ETS) as well as their own policies and practices and customer requirements, testing continues to be a confusing topic for many.

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