Wage & Hour

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Federal and state wage and hour lawsuits have steadily risen over the past 10-15 years.  Our wage and hour attorneys actively and successfully defend all types of wage and hour claims, including prevailing wage rate requirements, minimum wage, overtime, and class, collective and hybrid federal/state wage claims.  In addition, government investigations of employer pay practices are occurring with greater frequency and diligence.  We have represented thousands of employers in the audit process with a keen understanding of how to successfully avoid or resolve potential problem areas. 

Our wage and hour attorneys understand the complexities, potential liability and distraction associated with wage and hour allegations. Our top priority is for our clients to avoid wage and hour litigation or enforcement actions.  To that end, our attorneys focus on proactive measures and continue to work closely with employers across all industries conducting comprehensive internal audits of all wage and hour practices on a routine basis.  Whether an employer is seeking to take proactive measures to avoid wage and hour problems or is in need of representation to defend wage-based lawsuits or government audits, we are ready to provide a focused strategy to effectively and efficiently protect the employer’s interests.  

We offer employers a full line of services, including: 

  • Internal wage and hour compliance audits
  • Education, consultation, & compliance training
  • Litigation defense for single-plaintiff claims, collective actions, class actions, and hybrid actions
  • Government audit & investigation representation
  • Prevailing wage defense
  • Minimum wage defense
  • Overtime defense
  • Wage deduction defense
  • Pay discrimination defense
  • Exempt/Non-Exempt issues & other classification issues
  • Liens, garnishments, and wage assignments
  • Wage and hour opinion letters




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