Affirmative Action

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Contracting with government agencies requires compliance with complex affirmative action guidelines. Our attorneys assist clients in developing affirmative action plans that withstand the scrutiny of the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) and offer counsel on the ever changing rules and regulations related to federal and state affirmative action contractors.

We analyze contractor agreements to determine, what, if any, affirmative action obligations a company has as a contractor. We then draft affirmative action plans that are both in compliance with the OFCCP and can withstand an OFCCP audit. Our attorneys also assist in responding to OFCCP and state regulatory affirmative action compliance audits.

Our attorneys are current on the latest OFCCP enforcement strategies and regulatory changes. We train management to ensure that affirmative action plans stay updated and how to effectively and efficiently handle good faith outreach efforts in recruiting. We advise on diversity initiatives, affirmative action compliance issues, wage audits, and conduct preventative analysis. Our goal is to help clients identify potential discrimination issues and avoid allegations of unlawful bias. When necessary, we defend clients against charges, allegations of discrimination, and any related litigation.  





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