Product Liability

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Our product liability group defends the product brands of manufacturers, distributors and retailers across the nation.  Our attorneys continually seek the latest advancements in failure analysis, biomechanics, consumer product safety, federal regulations and trade secret protection. 

Resources To Combat The American Trial Lawyers Association

Networks of plaintiffs’ lawyers use discovery rules and modern technology to bolster their cases against product manufacturers, distributors and sellers. Our attorneys are well-educated in discovery wars and use the firm’s considerable technological resources to level the playing field. 

Representative Clients

Manufacturers, distributors and retailers of:

  • Asbestos
  • Automotive components
  • Bandsaws
  • Bicycles
  • Construction equipment
  • Consumer products
  • Electronics
  • Forklifts
  • Furniture
  • Gym/exercise equipment
  • Home appliances
  • Industrial equipment
  • Material handling equipment
  • Medical devices
  • Motors
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Power boats
  • Power hand tools
  • Water filters 

Product Liability Services

  • National trial counsel coordinating attorneys:
      • We have a template for the nationwide coordination of your litigation – saving you time and money while preserving the integrity of your product brand.

Trade Secret Protection

  • We have the know-how to protect your trade secrets from disclosure during discovery. In the process, we preserve:
      • Your investment of time and money in developing the product
      • Your product’s intrinsic value
      • Your competitive advantage in the marketplace

Insurance, Indemnity and Risk Transfer

  • We know how to employ vendor endorsements, additional insured provisions, indemnification clauses, contracts, and insurance policies to manage and transfer your risk. 

Alternative Dispute Resolution

  • Our team of attorneys is often retained as arbitrators by other attorneys to help resolve their disputes. 

Insurance Coverage Review

  • Our insurance coverage group has one of the deepest benches in the Midwest and works hand-in-hand with the products team. 

First Responder Accident Investigation

  • When a person is injured using your product, our attorneys are immediately available to appear at the scene to investigate, interview, preserve evidence, and communicate with OSHA and the media. 

Safety Program Review

  • We can audit your safety program to ensure it is compliant with governmental and industry regulations and with controlling legal authority. 

Mock Trials

  • We utilize mock trials to combine the experience and impressions of our whole team and evaluate cases as efficiently and completely as possible. 

Consumer Product Safety Act Compliance

  • We are experienced architects of CPSA compliance programs.




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